Wednesday 25 September 2013

Mythologies Theory

Legally Blonde Opening - In the opening of this movie the music in the background explores the fact that they think everything is perfect hence the title of the song 'perfect day'. The music is also very upbeat, which makes you think that the film is going to be happy and a chick flick. The font in this opening scene is girly and pink which makes you know that the film is going to be mainly focused on girls. It mainly shows how the girls are getting ready. It shows them spraying their perfume and putting jewellry on. Shots are repetitively shown on the girls getting ready. The clothes all the girls are wearing perfect clothes and designer handbags, which show that they take pride in their appearance and care about what they look like. This also shows that their social status is high and perhaps they have a lot of money. Many people relate money to happiness, therefore this is why the happy vibe is given off. The girl comes across that she gets everything that she wants and lives a very perfect life.


Close up (cu) - This is a close up of the character as this can show the emotion and the facial expressions of the actors face. Here she is driving a car whilst giving dirty looks to the girls sitting in the car next to her. The close up effect can clearly show her facial expressions which then give us a clear understanding of how she is feeling.

Extreme Long Shot (els) - This is a extreme long shot of the city which it is set in but gives you the chance to see the scenery as well as just focusing on the buildings and houses. It wants you to get the impression that there's going to be a lot of people in this movie as its set in a city.

Medium Shot (ms) - This is a two Medium Shot, This shows two characters in the scene plus a few extras in the background and you can see half of each of them. This lets you see the expressions and movement of each of the characters and also see the setting that they are in.

Over the shoulder (ots) - Over the shoulder shows that the main person is still in the shot, but there is another focal point in the shot. In this case its another character who he is talking to. This gives you the shot from the characters point of view, as it is also eye line so you can see what he would be seeing.

Sunday 22 September 2013


High Angle - This camera angle is used to show the audience the scene from a high point of view. In some cases its used to show someone looking down at someone or something but in this case its used to capture the whole classroom from above.
Level Angle - This camera angle is used to show the audience the scene from their point of view. In this case there is no real purpose of it being level with the characters, just a feel of what its like.
Low Angle - This camera angle is used to show the audience the scene from a low point of view. In some cases its used to show someone looking up from their point of view, but in this case its just showing hockey stick at there level.

Hall's Theory

The film poster is advertising the film '21 Jump Street'. For this films advertisement, they decided to make many different posters for it. For someone who hasn't seen this film, they could interpret it in many different ways.
The preferred reading for this poster is showing two guys running away from an explosion, the massive flame in the background is showing us that there's action in the film.
Although, the oppositional reading is that it looks like its all about action and massive explostions when maybe only half of it is.

Company Logo

Thursday 19 September 2013


Enigma code:

  • Do they all know each other?
  • Is the girl at the end going to survive?
  • Is she just pretending to be stuck?
  • How did the man steal his watch and wallet?
  • Has the girl really forgotten everything?
  • How did he make the lights in the building come on in the shape of the seven of diamonds?
  • Who is the person in the jumper?
  • Are the handcuffs really locked when she falls into the water?
Action code:
  • Falling into a water filled tank
  • Stealing the mans stuff and getting away
  • Eye contact with the girl.
  • Her hands getting tied together with handcuffs.
 Symbolic/Semiotic Code:
  • Cards
  • Handcuffs
  • Spoons
  • Fish
  • Tank    

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Dyers Theory

Teenagers - Most adults think that teenagers are all young youths who want to damage property, cause fights, noise disturbances and all they want to do is rebel against everything and everyone. Adults and other people think this because of the media. Whenever there's a story on something similar on the news or in a newspaper, its normally a teenager. This isn't always the case though, the people who are on the news are most probably from a rough area and have been brought up in a rebellious way but because of the media adults and the elderly think its the same with every teenager.

Muslims - Most Muslims, because of people like Bin Laden, are now associated with claims like being a terrorist which all come from the media, when most of them are not.

Black people - If a story about a black person being murdered or beaten up, people automatically think it was gang related. Due to the media, people think that black teenagers are trouble.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Film Poster Analysis

In this poster we see two men standing back to back to each other holding guns. This gives us the impression that they are either two police men or two villains that aren't meant to be there. In the background it says 'Senior ... Prom' we cant see the word in the middle but we guess that its something like 'class'. The two men are both wearing matching prom suits and with the banner and decorations we can con-notate that they are at a prom. At the very top of the poster it reads 'the only thing getting blown tonight is their cover' again, we now understand that they are in fact undercover policemen and not at school. They are both looking straight at the camera as if they were about to shoot us. The expressions on there faces are very serious, as if something important is going to happen. The title is in 3D and jumps out at us.

Image Analysis

Picture 1
In class, we got given a genre and an audience type. My group got romantic comedy as a genre and teenagers as the audience. In our group we decided to go for a usual boy and girl love story with the jealous friend who get in the way and ruins it. We decided to make the boy and girl hold hands and looking at each other so its clear to the audience that they are the couple and put the jealous friend having her back turned away from them, so it seems like she doesn't care about the fact that they are the couple. Putting the main characters in the center so its the first thing the audience see when they look at it and put the jealous girl to the side so its the next character the audience see.
Picture 2

In this picture, having the same genre (romantic comedy)  and audience (teens) we decided to do do something original and the couple that we in the first picture are still the couple in this picture but there's a twist. Instead of the girl jealous girl just being the villain in the picture we decided to have two villains, one being the jealous girl and the other being the boy who is meant to be the loyal boyfriend. We decided to lay the picture out in this way because the girlfriend has no idea he is cheating on her but this is showing the audience that he is.

Thursday 12 September 2013

AS Media - Pitch Presentation

AS Media - Genre Analysis

This is the opening scene to The Last Song. The genre from what we've seem The scene immediately shows a pain glass window in front of a large burning flame. At this point in the scene, we cant tell whether this is simply a candle or a fire. The shot is a close up of the pain glass window which later in the film we discover is a very important icon. From the distinct sound of water we now understand that the fire is trying to be contained  and is therefore a threat. The lighting in the scene is very dark but the flames make it easier to see whats happening.
 The scene continues and another icon is a sign on the wall which falls to the floor. Not quite understanding what the sign said, we still don't know the location of the scene. Immediately after the sign falls to the floor, the camera moves on to a piano, another icon, which is already half destroyed, this tells us that the location of the fire was a place where music was played frequently.
In the background you can slightly hear the sound of glass smashing and objects falling. Instantly after the piano is shown, you can see the faint outline of people legs, walking.
The camera moves to behind a pillar of some kind and there's darkness. Immediately after the camera goes behind the pillar the location of the filming changes and now it up high showing fire fighters walking to the exit of the building carrying a man.
The scene has now moved outside and two firefighters are carrying the man towards the camera with the burning building in the background until it goes into complete darkness.