Sunday 15 September 2013

Image Analysis

Picture 1
In class, we got given a genre and an audience type. My group got romantic comedy as a genre and teenagers as the audience. In our group we decided to go for a usual boy and girl love story with the jealous friend who get in the way and ruins it. We decided to make the boy and girl hold hands and looking at each other so its clear to the audience that they are the couple and put the jealous friend having her back turned away from them, so it seems like she doesn't care about the fact that they are the couple. Putting the main characters in the center so its the first thing the audience see when they look at it and put the jealous girl to the side so its the next character the audience see.
Picture 2

In this picture, having the same genre (romantic comedy)  and audience (teens) we decided to do do something original and the couple that we in the first picture are still the couple in this picture but there's a twist. Instead of the girl jealous girl just being the villain in the picture we decided to have two villains, one being the jealous girl and the other being the boy who is meant to be the loyal boyfriend. We decided to lay the picture out in this way because the girlfriend has no idea he is cheating on her but this is showing the audience that he is.

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