Thursday 12 September 2013

AS Media - Genre Analysis

This is the opening scene to The Last Song. The genre from what we've seem The scene immediately shows a pain glass window in front of a large burning flame. At this point in the scene, we cant tell whether this is simply a candle or a fire. The shot is a close up of the pain glass window which later in the film we discover is a very important icon. From the distinct sound of water we now understand that the fire is trying to be contained  and is therefore a threat. The lighting in the scene is very dark but the flames make it easier to see whats happening.
 The scene continues and another icon is a sign on the wall which falls to the floor. Not quite understanding what the sign said, we still don't know the location of the scene. Immediately after the sign falls to the floor, the camera moves on to a piano, another icon, which is already half destroyed, this tells us that the location of the fire was a place where music was played frequently.
In the background you can slightly hear the sound of glass smashing and objects falling. Instantly after the piano is shown, you can see the faint outline of people legs, walking.
The camera moves to behind a pillar of some kind and there's darkness. Immediately after the camera goes behind the pillar the location of the filming changes and now it up high showing fire fighters walking to the exit of the building carrying a man.
The scene has now moved outside and two firefighters are carrying the man towards the camera with the burning building in the background until it goes into complete darkness.

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