Sunday 6 October 2013

Juno Experience Reflection

What did you learn about filming and editing?

After watching the official 'Juno' opening scene many times and planning the shots, camera angles on a storyboard, we went out and filmed the scenes as best as we could. We filmed free hand because neither of us owned a tripod or anything thats similar
I also learnt that using Adobe Premier,  can shorten certain parts of the video, speed it up, you can use different video transitions. We shortened the video slightly to fit better to the original.

Did you find/use any premiere effects? If so, which ones and what was the effect?

We spent a lot of time trying different transitions to get it as close to the original as possible, the only effect we found was called 'push' which was used to transit to the foot scene. We tried the different video effects however no one of them produced the result we were looking for so decided to use the video how it was.

What went well in the filming and editing? How does it look compared with the original opening sequence?

Its very true to the original opening sequence, and looks pretty good, but it is missing the animated part of the original. the sound track fits the video well and starts at the same place as the original..

What could have gone better with the filming and editing?

The timing of the opening sequence was well planned and the music fits well, however the camera was slightly shaky on the hand held parts.

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