Sunday 6 October 2013

Peer analysis of Juno worksheet


How was the use of camera shots?
Use of editing?
Use of lighting?
Overall success of video
Sarah, George and Kaitlyn.
They have used long shots to show the surroundings of the scene but you can stil see the actor clearly. They have used all of the correct camera shots in this scene just like the original opening. The have also used medium shots to show the expressions and gestures.
 The use of editing was used very widely. Every different shot seemed to have a different transition. They did all work smoothly however some of the transitions maybe weren't needed for the opening scene but they have definaltly proved that they are confident when using premier.
As they only had the use of lighting outside, it worked well which shows the setting of the scene. This is just like the original and that was the task, and it was successfully completed
In my opinion, i feel this is the best video. although they may have gone over the top on the transitions, it showed they were confident with using premier and it was very similar to the opening of the real Juno openeing.
James and Emma.
The camera shots are very similar to the original Juno openeing scene. Their tracking shot is very steady and look professional. They've also shown medium shots and this helps us see the expressions on the characters face.
Whilst editing its clear they've used a different lighting in the beggining and in the middle. The effect is brighter in the beggining and darker in the middle. Also, they didnt use any transitions which was key feature in this task.
The only natural lighting in this opening is the sun however it does change due to the fact that they used effects on the lighting. In my opinion i dont feel like this works because the sun on its own would have made it look more effective.
 I do not think the editing is very successful because they have not used transitions and used lighting effects when the light should have been natural. However the timing of each of their clips was very natural to the original and looks very much like the real Juno opening scene. 
Charlotte, Ben and Ben
they've used a variety of different shots; long shots too show the surrounding and close up too show the shoes which was a key shot in the opening scene. They have also ued medium shots to show the expressions on the characters face.
They've used an effect to make the scenes look animated just like in the original opening and also used a few transitions from each different shot thisdramatically changes each shot and carries it out to the next one.  
The use of lighting in this scene is just daylight, this is the same as the original clip. This is good as the task that we was given is to remake the Juno opening scene as similar to the original as possible, and in the original the lighting was just the daytime light to show the setting.
This clip was successful. I feel that the big error was having the title page before the clip started, however the transitions ran smoothly and they have used a sort of animated effect on each clip to make it as animated as they could to make it look like the same as the real Juno opening scene.
Dom and Lara
 The use of the camera was very effective. They paned left and right, also tilted the camera up and down when needed. If there was one negative it would be the camera being a shaky at the start.
The use of transitions in their opening of juno were really successful. The music also was in time to the original opening scene as well as this they've proved they are confident with using premier.
 The lighting when it was filmed was overcast, however they used an effect that made it look more cartoon like to fit the Juno clip. This also made the lighting a lot brighter, possibly a bit too bright.
Overall, i feel like this was a succesful opening video and was very well thought out as the transitions ran smoothly and the timing was perfect to the second.

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