Thursday 10 October 2013

Preliminary Task - 'Fug life'

Here is a photograph of George drawing and annotating the storyboard for our Preliminary Task. When drawing up the storyboard, we took into consideration the various different frames, camera angles and movements we wanted to capture throughout.

Here is a photograph of Becky writing up a list of all the props and items of costume we needed for the task

Here is a photograph of Megan reading and evaluating the script for the task, which we all discussed and came to an agreement on, deciding that it was appropriate for the Comedy genre.


We have now completed out final preliminary task for our final outcome being the short comedy 'fug life'. We managed the task by setting individual roles between us. As George is quite artist he did the story board and also did some of the editing for the final draft. Becky wrote up all the costume ideas and props and i evaluated the ideas and brought my own ideas to the table.
We planned our sequence by coming up with a rough idea of a story line then story boarding it. However, we didn't take into account all of the different frames and angles which we needed such as high angle shot and a tracking shot, so the story was re-drafted.
Very little technology was used in the making of this task, just a simple camera and tri-pod which was used for the still shots and a wheelchair for the tracking shot. The only technology used was the mobile phone for the music that played and the computer when using the editing software (adobe premier).
When filming the shot we had to keep referring to the storyboard to make sure we were following it exactly how we had wrote it down. We also had to make sure the classrooms we wanted to use were available, for example, the classroom (l9) was not available when we needed it so we had to use the drama room.
Overall, im pleased with the final outcome of our task. i think we managed to ull of the genre for our task but i do not think it was as funny as we maybe imagined it to be. We have learnt a lot for this task for example its vital to have your story board when filming and when filming certain shots a decent amount of time should be left.

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